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It’s Google’s 25th birthday: What can be the Google Doodle?

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It’s Google’s 25th birthday: The Best search engine ever; google will be 25 years old on this September 27. And of course everyone will be curious to know what innovative doodle. Google is going to bring this year for itself. They have always been innovative about their birthday doodle every year. They have also recently published a blog on how they always focus on the future, but how important it is to always look back on birthdays.

2 Fellows, Sergey Brin & Larry page, who were studying PHDs from the Stanford university in the late 90s; wanted to make the world of internet easy & interesting. Hence, they started working on a better search engine from their hostel rooms itself. And when they made progress in the same; they moved their work to Google’s first official workspace, which was actually a rented garage. And on 27 September, 1998, google Inc. officially began. This is what the blog published by google said.

It’s Google’s 25th birthday: Google doodle predictions

Google also wrote in the blog that a lot has changed since 1998; including the google logo. But their mission; still remains the same. That is to organize the world’s data & make it easy for everyone to use. 

Now, if you have ever googled anything, (who has not); you might have noticed those quirky drawings that sometimes attract users on the google homepage. They call them “Google doodles”. They are just like the drawings that you used to draw in your notebook at the time of math class; But way cooler & way more popular.   

So, to celebrate Google’s silver jubilee; we got to thinking what kind of google doodle would be fitting for this occasion? Here are a few ideas that we think the owners of google would be chuckling about in the silicon valley:

The Google Time Machine:

Picture a doodle that takes us on a trip down the memory lane. Beginning from the first google search page; and all the way to the sleek, futuristic interface we see today. Bonus scores if they publish the same old-school dial-up modem sounds for the sake of nostalgia.

The Google Party Animal:

What is a birthday with no party? With party, we mean including cakes, balloons, confetti’s etc., the whole shebang! And there in the center; there is a google logo in the center. Which is blowing out candles on a huge birthday cake shaped like 25. Maybe they could even sneak in a little Easter egg with a link to a virtual party where we can all join in on the festivities.

So, there you go, guys! These were our doodle suggestions for the perfect google doodle to celebrate Google’s 25th Birthday! Whether they go with one of our thoughts or think of something all the way unexpected. (which, can we just be real, is around 50% of the tomfoolery). We can hardly stand by to see what they concoct. Here’s to 25 years of Google! May the doodles continue doodling and the pursuits continue to look for a long time to come!

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