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Category:Website Design & Development

10 Elements of Modern Web Design That You Need to Know

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What you already knew about web design a year ago is almost obsolete today. There are new horizons to explore than yesterday and it’s overwhelming to fathom all at once. The technical or more precisely, the internet zone has observed a dramatic shift in the past few years. It all began with the Covid19 chaos. It has led to a major market behavior shift which is here to stay.

People are more likely to buy their essentials online than walk a mile to a brick-and-mortar store. This fact alone has opened up opportunities that never existed. It’s a tough shift from an offline business to an online one and that’s where this blog will come in handy. We have curated a list of pointers that will help you make your website stand out in today’s robust online markets.

First of all, remember one thing, do not jump to conclusions. Online businesses take time to set up and if you are new to this zone, understand that it may take a year for you to establish yourself. Moreover, splurging money into ads isn’t always the right path. Organic SEO tactics can help you stand tall in the longer run. Thus, take informed decisions by collaborating with a web development company such as Netizens Technologies. Our team has helped several businessmen across the globe set up and run their online businesses smartly.

10 Elements To Look Forward To In Modern Web Design

There are more than a hundred pointers that one should check while launching a website but here are the 10 that matter the most. These elements make or break a website.

#1 Swift Responsiveness

The website should be visible and operational on all types of screen sizes. All the elements should sync in such a way that users receive similar responses on desktop as well as mobile screens. This helps in increasing conversion rate and overall brand advocacy.

#2 Consistent Typography

One should select a pack of official fonts for representing the company online and then stick to them across all representations. Remember that you are building an online brand and thus anything you put online should possess your unique signature. Your font can be that significant, and using an AI logo generator can help you with that.

#3 Navigational Menu

Ensure that users get access to all your services through vertical and horizontal menus no matter which screen they come in from. Maintain a set of easily navigable menus on the website to help users reach the required information or products within a few clicks. The current populace has a concise span of attention, thus menus have become a must-have feature.

#4 Quality Visuals

Your website may have many forms of visuals, be they static or moving. Ensure that they are of the highest quality but also optimized for fast loading. The pictures on your website should be sharp and clear, showcasing your services/products in the best way possible to all visiting leads.

#5 Ample White Space

Not many blogs talk about it, but white space is vital to any website. They are eye resters and help visitors find true paths or required essentials more easily. Thus, ensure that you use white space efficiently while building a website. Our website development services moguls are well-trained to utilize white space while building products and provide quality outcomes.

#6 Attractive Animation

More and more people have started introducing animated videos and other elements in their website designs as they are attractive and increase engagement.. Your website should have a few too as they increase interaction with the end users and offer contact points which can then be leveraged as data. You can use animation in contact forms, menu pointers, as well as, subscription forms.

#7 Simple Content

Content is everywhere and we recommend that you keep it as simple as possible. Use language that is easy to understand, use interactive dialogues, and keep it all simple rather than explaining it all in a definitive manner. People today want to connect with brands rather than read about them. Thus, write and publish content that links you to your audience instantly.

#8 Call To Action Placement

One of the most important things about a website is that it runs as a 24/7 salesman for your business. The call to action button placements on it are vital points and must be placed at high engagement areas without disturbing the entire design. They must merge well with the design yet stand out for the user to recognize the action. It’s quite tricky but our website design and development company, the Netizens Technologies team can help you get it all right with ease.

#9 Thoughtful Color Palette

Every industry runs on a color palette, and it’s better if you choose one for your company before going live with your website. A color palette helps you maintain a certain discipline in creations across formats, which in the long run pays back well. Identity marking is a small step towards building a multimillion-dollar business. Remember, it is a marathon, not a 100-meter short run!

#10 Speed Optimization

Lastly, the website must load fast on a browser. This is where most sites fail their tests. A site requires several optimizations before attaining grade A certification on renowned site speed checkers. It is where a software development company such as Netizens Technologies comes in handy. We can assist in getting ideal results within record time and budget.


To conclude, modern web design is all about creating unique experiences using customizations via utilizing cross-platforms. There are several ways to take a business online, be it through Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Magento, or any other platform.

We at Netizens Technologies can help you with all, especially Shopify. Our team is well-versed in eCommerce service provision and has been providing all required services for the last decade. Let’s work together to take your business from zero to hero efficiently!

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